Raymond Arroyo Raymond Arroyo: Christmas Merry and Bright Boys of St. Paul Gabriel Faure Requiem Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles Adoration from Carmel The Monks of Clear Creek Abbey Rorate Cœli Seminarians of St. Peter Wigratzbad Sancta Nox The Monks of Clear Creek Abbey Ecce Fiat Monks of Norcia Benedicta The London Oratory Sacred Treasures of England The Dominican Sisters of Mary Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring Benedictines of Mary Advent at Ephesus Boys of St. Paul Christmas in Harvard Square Boys of St. Paul Ave Maria NOLA Players Christmastime in New Orleans Benedictines of Mary Angels and Saints At Ephesus The Dominican Sisters of Mary The Rosary Mysteries, Meditations & Music Benedictines of Mary Lent at Ephesus The Dominican Sisters of Mary Mater Eucharistae Benedictines of Mary Easter at Ephesus The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter Requiem