Adoration from Carmel

Eucharistic Hymns

by Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles

The Carmelite Sisters unite their voices in this most heartwarming recording entitled Adoration from Carmel: Eucharistic Hymns from the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles. Adoration will introduce you to the beautiful singing and repertoire from the sisters, which have both traditional and contemporary arrangements. Located in Los Angeles, the Carmelites recorded this collection in the glorious acoustic of their St. Joseph’s chapel at Santa Teresita. Designed to inspire, Adoration from Carmel: Eucharistic Hymns features 16 tracks of both acapella and orchestral settings, all representing the music emanating from their community throughout the year, which flows from their daily prayer together. With their original angelic choir sound, the Sisters radiate peace and beauty through their hymns of Praise of God. This cozy and ethereal collection will be a timeless classic for years to come.

Release Date: October 2022


  1. Domine non sum dignus
  2. Adoramus te, Panem Coelitum
  3. Let all mortal flesh
  4. O Sacrament Most Holy
  5. Be Still
  6. Soul of My Savior
  7. Panis Angelicus
  8. Adoremus in aeternum
  9. Mercy Rushes in: Our 90th Anniversary Version
  10. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Fount of Love
  11. Ave Verum
  12. Tantum Ergo Sacramentum
  13. Veni Jesu
  14. Adoro te devote
  15. Heart Exposed
  16. Sweet Sacrament Divine



Eucharistic Hymns

About the Artists

The way of life of the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles is rooted in the Gospel, and in the Carmelite spirituality of St. Teresa of Ávila. “Carmel” means enclosed garden in which God Himself dwells. The divine indwelling in the soul is the foundation of Teresa’s doctrine. Thus, their charism unites the contemplative nature of Carmel with active apostolic works in service of the Church. We live the charism of our foundress, Venerable Mother Maria Luisa Josefa of the Most Blessed Sacrament in promoting a deeper spiritual life among God’s people through education, healthcare, and spiritual retreats. God calls them to be a presence inflamed within our world. They are called to witness to God’s love through prayer and loving service. Their God-given mission overflows from each sister’s profound life of prayer. It is a mission of the heart, a labor of love, to serve those entrusted to our care. Mother Luisita used this analogy to describe our mission, “The soul of each Carmelite raises herself to Christ, Who is her heaven, while her shadow falls in charity upon earth doing good to all people.” Their life is characterized by: – A life of prayer and union with God – A deep love for Jesus in the Holy Eucharist – Devotion to our Blessed Mother – Steadfast fidelity to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church – Praying for priests – Commitment to apostolic service of the Church through healthcare, education, and spiritual retreats – Daily prayer together: Holy Hour, with Eucharistic adoration and rosary; chanting of the Divine Office; and two half hour periods of meditation (one is included during Holy Hour)
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